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RFID in Conveyor Belt Tunnel Systems

  • Abhishek Shukla
  • Sep 06, 2024
  • RFID
RFID in Conveyor Belt Systems

The RFID conveyor belt system and tunnels comprises RFID tags, readers, and gates strategically positioned along the conveyor belt and streamlines item movement and tracking.



A conveyor belt and conveyor tunnel system refers to the mechanism used typically in warehouses where materials are moved from one zone of the warehouse to another through belts and pulleys. It’s an efficient mechanical apparatus that makes it easy to move items without added labor and human errors, and these conveyor belt systems are readily deployed in manufacturing, assembly, production facilities, and warehouse centers.

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology has become an integral part of modern conveyor belt and conveyor tunnel systems, also known as RFID tunnel, revolutionizing how materials are tracked, sorted, and managed in various industries. The RFID-based conveyor belt gate systems also find applications in warehouses, manufacturing units, assembly lines, and production hubs.



Design of RFID Conveyor Belt Gate System

The RFID conveyor belt gate system or RFID Tunnel comprises RFID tags, readers, and gates strategically positioned along the conveyor belt. RFID tags, encoded with unique identification numbers, are attached to the items or packages. These tags are encoded with item-specific information such as item name, batch no., etc. As these items move along the conveyor belt, RFID readers located at specific points capture the tag data, enabling real-time tracking and identification.

The RFID gates act as checkpoints, allowing or blocking the passage of items based on the information obtained from the RFID tags. This design ensures seamless material flow and accurate inventory management.

To design an RFID Conveyor Belt Gate System, you need to:


1.Tag items with RFID tags, encoded with item-level data.

2. Install RFID readers and antennas near the conveyor belts, creating a gate system. The Zebra FX9600 Fixed RFID Reader is a great choice for this purpose. It comes with 4/8 antenna ports, so the coverage can be expanded pretty easily using Zebra AN480 antennas. 

3. Deploy a software system to track the items coming in or going out through the conveyor belt. The RFID reader scans each and every item and the software system compiles the same detail for the end users, in real-time. 

4. No manual intervention is needed. 



Advantages of RFID in Conveyor Belt Systems or RFID Tunnel

The integration of RFID technology in conveyor belt systems offers a multitude of advantages, making it a preferred choice for modern industrial operations.

1.Real-time Tracking and Visibility

RFID enables real-time tracking of items as they move through the conveyor belt system. It provides unparalleled visibility into the location and status of each item, reducing the risk of lost or misplaced inventory. 

2. Improved Inventory Management

 RFID facilitates accurate and automated inventory management. By instantly identifying and logging items as they pass through the conveyor belt gates, RFID minimizes manual data entry errors and streamlines inventory control processes.

3. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

With RFID, the need for manual scanning or handling of items is eliminated, leading to increased operational efficiency and productivity. Conveyor belts equipped with RFID technology can handle a higher throughput of items while maintaining accuracy.

4. Error Reduction and Quality Control with RFID Tunnel

RFID systems contribute to error reduction by ensuring the correct items are routed to their designated destinations. The Conveyor belt system with RFID technology not only enhances order accuracy but also supports quality control measures within the production and distribution processes. It also reduces labor requirements at the facility and minimizes human errors.


RFID in Conveyor Belt Systems

Applications of RFID in Conveyor Belt Systems

The versatility of RFID in conveyor belt systems has led to its widespread adoption across various industrial settings. Some of the applications of RFID-based Conveyor Belt Systems are as follows:

1. Conveyor Belt System in Warehouses

RFID-equipped conveyor belt and RFID tunnel systems are extensively used in warehouses for efficient sorting, routing, and inventory management. They facilitate seamless movement of goods, from receiving to shipping, optimizing warehouse operations.

2. Manufacturing Units using RFID Conveyor Belts

In manufacturing environments, RFID conveyor belt systems aid in tracking work-in-progress items, managing raw materials, and automating material handling processes. This ensures smooth production flows and minimizes production delays.

3. Conveyor Belts in Assembly Lines

RFID technology integrated into conveyor belt systems assists in the assembly of complex products by ensuring that the right components are delivered to the right workstations at the right time. This enhances assembly line efficiency and reduces assembly errors.

4. Production Hubs with RFID Tunnel

RFID-enabled conveyor belt systems or RFID Tunnels play a crucial role in production hubs by expediting the movement of materials, enabling just-in-time inventory management, and facilitating seamless material flow within the production environment.

5. RFID Conveyor System at Airports for Baggage Claims 

Since RFID tagging of luggage at airports is quite popular as most airlines and airports now encourage RFID tagging to reduce the cases of misplaced luggage and resulting losses to airlines. RFID based conveyor systems make perfect sense which allow passengers to track their luggage in real-time as it moves through the conveyor belt/baggage carousel. 

RFID is very much useful in aviation and reduces the chances of lost baggage to a great extent. RFID tracking of luggage helps flyers know the status of their baggage in the airport area during check-ins and check-outs. Even most airlines notify the passengers after boarding and de-boarding about the status of their luggage. 



RFID tagging of Conveyor Belts

Apart from RFID-based conveyor belt automation in item movement as explained above various conveyor belt manufacturers also embed RFID tags inside the conveyor belts to keep track of their conveyor belt production and sales. RFID rubber tire tags and RFID spring tags that are used by tire manufacturers are the most suitable for conveyor belt production. is a leading supplier of RFID tire tags, and RFID spring tags for conveyor belts in India, and you can also procure various RFID readers, tags, and antennas of distinct brands such as Zebra, Chainway, Impinj, etc., available at competitive prices. 




To conclude, RFID technology has significantly transformed conveyor belt systems, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of real-time tracking, inventory management, efficiency, and error reduction. Its applications in warehouses, manufacturing units, assembly lines, and production hubs have reshaped industrial automation, paving the way for streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.

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  • Created on Jul 30, 2024

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