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  • Administrator
  • 05/07/2020

2D barcodes, or two-dimensional barcodes, are more complex. Two-dimensional (2D) barcodes look like squares or rectangles that contain many small, individual dots. A 2D barcode uses patterns, shapes, and dots to encrypt information both horizontally and vertically. A single 2D barcode can hold a significant amount of information and may remain legible even when printed at a small size or etched onto a product. A 2D barcode can encrypt more characters (around 2000) in the same amount of space as a 1D barcode.

What is a 1D (linear) barcode?

  • Administrator
  • 05/07/2020

1D barcodes, or one-dimensional barcodes are linear barcodes. They consist of vertical lines of varying widths with specific gaps resulting in a particular pattern.

That information – such as numbers or other keyboard characteristics – is encoded horizontally from left to right. 1D barcodes holds a limited number of characters, typically 20-25. In order to add more numbers, the barcode must be longer.

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