UHF circularly polarized antennas are antennas designed to produce a circularly polarized waveform, meaning the plane of polarization of the waveform is constantly rotating in a circle. This type of antenna is ideal for receiving and transmitting signals in weak propagation environments, such as urban areas. The circular polarization of the waveform increases the power of the signal, resulting in improved signal reception and transmission.
Our UHF Circularly Polarized Antennas are designed to provide high-performance and reliable communication in a wide range of applications and adhere to 865 MHz-867 MHz operating frequency and EPCglobal gen 2 v2, ISO 18000-63 communication protocols. With an enhanced gain and wide bandwidth, they offer strong signal strength and reliable transmission. They are perfect for point-to-point and point-to-multi-point applications, as well as for public safety, surveillance, and other mission-critical applications. They are also resistant to multipath interference due to their circular polarization. Additionally, they are extremely durable and withstand harsh environmental conditions.
EnCStore has a wide selection of Rain RFID antennas with different types of polarization. We are the leading manufacturer of the UHF circularly polarized antennas in India. Please contact us if you need help identifying which type of antenna is best for your business.
Applications of UHF Circular Polarized Antennas
• Access management
• Supply chains and logistics
• Manufacturing and production, WIP, assembly
• Item Finding
• Retail inventory, asset tracking, and POS operations