Counterfeiting is a billion-dollar problem in fashion, luxury retail, wine and other industries. Counterfeits, replicas, fakes of valuable branded products are available galore, consequently ruining brands and customer experience. Many a times, customer can’t even verify if the product they bought is genuine or not. Fakes are so identical to the original products that customers struggle to differentiate between the two.
In lieu of widespread counterfeiting, brands are turning to anti-counterfeiting measures for not only protecting brand value and sales but also ensuring that loyal customers are not driven away due to bad experience caused by fake products. For example, Louis Vuitton (LV) uses NFC hangtags on their fashion retail, luxury handbags, etc. for anti-counterfeiting and brand protection. Customers can scan these tags using their smartphone and verify the authenticity of the product they bought.
NTAG 424 DNA NFC Tag: Overview
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has revolutionized the way we interact with devices and products. Among the various NFC tags available, the NTAG 424 DNA stands out as a robust solution for anti-counterfeiting and brand protection.
The NTAG 424 DNA is produced by NXP Semiconductors and is designed for secure applications that require high security and authentication. It operates on the ISO/IEC 14443 Type A standard, compliant with NFC Forum Type 4 Tag IC specification, ISO/
IEC14443-4 (contactless proximity protocol) and the ISO/IEC 7816-4 based file system and command frames, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of NFC-enabled devices. It also supports fast data rates of 106 kbit/s, 212 kbit/s, 424 kbit/s, and 848 kbit/s.
Technical Specification of NTAG 424 DNA chip
1. Operating Frequency-13.56 MHz
2. Communication Distance- Up to 10 cm, typically around 4 cm
3. Data Rate-Up to 848 kbps
a.Memory Specifications
Key Memory specifications of the NTAG 424 DNA include:
1. User Memory- 416 bytes (for user data), Storage of user-defined data such as URLs, product information, or authentication codes.
2. Password-Protected Memory-Configurable area for secure data
3. Configuration Memory- Used to set up the operational parameters of the tag, including memory protection and security settings.
4. Counter Memory- Tracks the number of read/write operations, which can be useful for assessing tag usage and security.
b. Memory Type
EEPROM- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, which allows multiple write and erase cycles.
c. Security Features
1. AES-128 Encryption- Ensures data integrity and confidentiality.
2. Unique Identifier (UID)- Each tag has a factory-programmed UID for identification.
3. Secure Messaging- Protects data transmitted between the tag and the reader.
d. Authentication Methods
1. Dynamic Authentication- Uses session keys to enhance security during data transmission.
2. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-Supports digital signatures for additional validation.
NFC based authentication with SUN (Secure Unique NFC)
The NTAG424 DNA NFC chip also comes with a Secure Unique NFC (SUN) message which it generates using sing AES-128 cryptography for the authentication, generating a unique identifier on each tap.
An NFC enabled smartphone reads this tap-unique URL with the SUN authentication message, sends it to the host where tag and message authentication take place, and returns the verification result. It means that each time someone taps the NFC tag on a product for authentication, it responds with unique URL identifier preventing tag cloning.
It is designed to work on Android (without a dedicated app) and iOS11 (with an app), offering tag authentication, as well as data assurances on authenticity, integrity and even confidentiality, while also securing physical tag presence.
The NFC NTAG213 Tag Tamper is another product from NXP which is used for Anti-counterfeiting and brand protection and to verify the authenticity of a product used by a consumer. It features a 32-byte unique brand protection signature and originality signature. Apart from that, the NXP NTAG 213 Tag Tamper also offers 144-byte read/write memory - protection of tag memory by read-only mode (static & dynamic lock functions), Password (32-bit) protected tag memory including limits of false attempts, it is complaint with ISO/IEC 14443-A 2-3 & NFC Forum Type 2 Tag for maximum interoperability with NFC infrastructure.
Applications in Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection
The NTAG 424 DNA is essential for brands looking to protect their products from counterfeiting. Its features enable:
1.Product Authentication
Users can verify the authenticity of a product by scanning the NFC tag, which sends back secure information confirming its legitimacy.
2. Supply Chain Management
Manufacturers can track products throughout the supply chain, ensuring that only genuine products reach consumers.
3. Consumer Engagement
Brands can enhance consumer trust by providing additional information through NFC, such as product origin and authenticity checks.
To summarize, the NTAG424 DNA chip by NXP semiconductors is a powerful tool in the fight against counterfeiting and brand protection. With its advanced security features with AES-128 and SUN, flexible memory configurations, and user-friendly capabilities, it empowers brands to protect their integrity in a competitive market. The advance security features, the NTAG424 DNA tag offers secure authentication which cannot be cloned and offer reliable brand protection.
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