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Electronic Identification (EID) Ear Tags: Why RFID Tagging of Cattle is Necessary?

  • Abhishek Shukla
  • Jul 16, 2024
  • RFID
Electronic Identification (EID) Ear Tags: Why RFID Tagging of Cattle is Necessary?

“The RFID cattle ear tags offer several benefits in cattle tracking, in terms of identification, animal welfare, disease control, operational efficiency, logistics, and regulatory oversight, etc.”



Electronic Identification of cattle is a great way to not only identify and track a large number of cattle and bison involved in trade across the USA but to effectively ensure animal disease traceability regulations as well.

An RFID mandate in the USA requires ranchers and others to tag American beef cattle, bison, and dairy cows with a small RFID ear tag by January 1, 2023. 

Electronic Identification (EID) ear tags are a modern and sophisticated method of tracking and managing cattle in the United States. The use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)/ EID tags has revolutionized livestock management, and the way cattle are monitored, providing numerous benefits for both the industry and regulatory agencies like the USDA’s (United States Department of Agriculture) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).


Electronic Identification Ear Tags for Cattle 


EID ear tags are small button-like devices that utilize RFID technology to uniquely identify individual animals. Each tag contains a microchip that stores a unique identification number, which can be read remotely using RFID readers. The tagging allows for efficient and accurate tracking of cattle throughout their lifecycle.

APHIS, as part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), plays a crucial role in managing cattle tracking with EID tags and it is now mulling to introduce UHF RFID Tags for cattle for better efficiency in cattle and livestock identification and tracking. 

The agency has established regulations and standards for the use of EID tags in cattle, ensuring that the tags meet specific criteria for readability, durability, and accuracy. APHIS also oversees the implementation of EID tagging systems, monitoring compliance, and providing support to cattle producers and industry stakeholders.

However, in 2019, cattle ranchers’ organization in Montana protested against the RFID mandate and R-CALF filed a lawsuit in Wyoming against USDA for various issues with the mandate. Many ranchers in Montana use brands, tattoos, and metal tags to identify their livestock and some have done so for generations in family-owned businesses. Metals tags, ear tags, and tattoos were earlier acceptable by state brand boards and breed associations and offered flexibility to business owners in the interstate movement of cattle and livestock. 


Benefits of RFID Electronic Identification in Cattle Tracking


The benefits of using RFID/ EID tags for cattle tracking are multifaceted.  Some of the main benefits of using RFID Cattle Ear Tags in cattle and livestock tracking are as follows:


1. These advanced tagging systems with RFID EAR Tags enable precise and automated data collection of cattle and livestock through RFID Readers and antennas, which helps in the identification and monitoring of each animal at the ranch and while transporting.

2. RFID Cattle Ear Tags reduce the potential for human error in recording cattle movements and health information. It contributes to improved traceability, allowing for rapid and accurate identification of animals in the event of disease outbreaks or food safety concerns.

3. EID tags/UHF RFID Tags for cattle facilitate efficient record-keeping and data management for cattle producers. By automatically capturing information such as animal identification, birth date, health records, and breeding history, these tags streamline the management of individual animals and entire herds. 

4. The data collected by RFID technology on livestock can be used to enhance breeding programs, optimize herd health management, and improve overall productivity.

5. In India, the use of RFID tags on cattle helps with accurate identification of cattle, breed, owner, etc., and also helps in keeping them separate from the herd in case there’s an outbreak of animal diseases, FMD, swine flu, bird flu, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease), etc. RFID ear tags can be seen in the ears of cows and buffaloes in India.

6. In the United States, the RFID mandate for animal tagging with EID tags ensures that all the cattle, livestock, bison, and dairy cows are tagged with electronic tags and it is easy to move cattle across the states, from Mexico to the US, etc. 




From a regulatory standpoint, the use of EID tags supports APHIS in monitoring and controlling the movement of cattle, thereby aiding in disease surveillance and response efforts. In the event of a disease outbreak, the ability to quickly trace the movements of infected animals can be critical in containing the spread and minimizing economic impact. Every year, in the United States, nearly 1.2 million cattle cross the border and enter the United States (some enter from Mexico to El Paso, Texas), and having the right information on their health allows the USDA to regulate such movements. 

In addition, EID tagging systems contribute to the development of robust supply chain management in the cattle industry. By enabling the tracking of animals from farms to processing facilities, these tags support initiatives related to food safety, quality assurance, and consumer transparency. 




To summarize, the adoption of RFID tags/EID tags for cattle tracking in the USA represents a significant advancement in livestock management. The technology offers benefits in terms of animal welfare, disease control, operational efficiency, and regulatory oversight, positioning the industry for sustainable growth and resilience in an increasingly complex and interconnected global market. In the USA, the USDA requires ranchers to tag their livestock with RFID tags and a 15-digit ID starting with ‘840’ which helps them track these animals as they move from one state to another with necessary health checks and certificates. 

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  • Created on Jul 16, 2024

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