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Top RFID Solutions: RFID Identification and Tracking

  • Abhishek Shukla
  • Mar 14, 2024
  • RFID
Top RFID Solutions: RFID Identification and Tracking

The use of Radio Frequency signals for communication has been the norm for over a century. I mean the British Marconi Company founded by Guglielmo Marconi in 1897, started communication between coast radio stations and ships at sea. Fast forward to the 1990s, we have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the two most popular technologies that use RF waves to transfer data, enabling wireless communication between two devices. 

The use of Radio Frequency has been a historical achievement and modern wireless communication in the form of cellular phones, even smartphones is a testament to that. RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is another gem that leverages RF signals to enable wireless communication. 

During WW2, the British forces were using RFID to identify enemy aircraft from the Allied ones. Come early 2000s, we had EPC (Electronic Product Code) developed by a research team at MIT, with Sanjay Sarma and David L. Brock in lead roles. The invention of EPC facilitated the use of RFID tags in Retail stores and retail supply chains, a problem Kevin Ashton was also working on while he was with P&G. Retail stores often faced the problem of ‘Out of Stock’ which resulted in heavy losses. The traditionally used barcodes did not seem effective and were unable to provide efficient track and trace in inventory management. But RFID armed with EPC was not only the perfect solution for retail but also became the go-to technology for track and trace, enabling IoT communication in the early 2000s. 

What is RFID and how it works?

RFID, as I mentioned above, is a wireless technology that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate. An RFID system consists of RFID tags, antennas, RFID Readers, and an RFID software system to enable track and trace. 

RFID tags are small electronic devices, labels, or hard tags, which are fabricated using antenna lines and small silicon microchips (Integrated Circuit). The microchip in an RFID tag/label is used to store information about the item one wants to label. In retail 96 bits-128 bits EPC (EPC Memory) RFID tags are used to store information about the items. The way it works is an RFID reader (handheld or fixed) is used to interrogate these RFID tags attached to objects by transmitting RF signals. The RF signals are captured by a tag antenna which powers the silicon microchip, allowing for transmission of data in the form of RF signals, which in turn is captured by the RFID reader antenna. 

The data thus retrieved from RFID labels attached to the object is decoded by the RFID readers and presented to users through the RFID software system. The software system also stores the data for better insights, which is often needed in large-scale retail stores and inventory management operations. 

Top RFID Solutions 

In Industry 4.0, the use of RFID is not limited to retail anymore. RFID tags are used for the identification of objects, individuals, and even animals in day-to-day, commercial, industrial, and personal applications. RFID technology is being used in access control in buildings, offices, schools, hospitals, events, etc. It is the perfect security solution. It is also used in parking management, vehicle tracking, toll collection, the hospitality sector, manufacturing, supply chains and logistics, etc. 

Let’s see some of the Top RFID-based Solutions:

1. RFID Asset Tracking and Management System 

2. RFID Warehouse Management System

3. RFID Parking Management System 

4. RFID Vehicle Tracking System 

5. RFID Library Management System 

6. RFID Jewellery Management System 

7. RFID Inventory Management System

8. RFID File Tracking Document Management System 

9. RFID Time and Attendance Tracking and Management System 

10. RFID Laptop Tracking System 

11. RFID Visitor Management System 

12. RFID-based Artwork Tracking System-eMuseum 

1. RFID Asset Tracking and Management System

RFID-based asset tracking and asset management systems are developed to provide real-time identification and tracking of assets in industrial and commercial settings. 

The Asset management system uses RFID technology to provide accurate data on assets within the premises as well as track assets, coming in and going out of the premises through an RFID gate system deployed at entry and exit gates.  

2. RFID Warehouse Management System

 RFID-based warehouse management system is used to track consignments and pallets coming and going out from the warehouse. The Warehouse management system accurately identifies and tracks all the packages available in the warehouse providing real-time visibility and accurate data on the stocks available at any given moment.

3. RFID Parking Management System 

RFID parking management system is a digital solution to track vehicles and the parking space available at the premises. RFID technology allows for access control, security, and details on vehicles coming in and leaving the parking. It also helps with parking payment collection ensuring accurate bills for each vehicle.

4. RFID Vehicle Tracking System 

RFID technology is also used in tracking vehicles in the form of an RFID vehicle tracking system. Vehicle tracking with RFID includes dedicated RFID labels attached to vehicle windshields, where RFID tags are encoded with relevant data about the vehicle, vehicle owner, etc. RFID readers installed at building gates, parking lots, and highway toll plazas capture the details of each vehicle passing through. 

India’s FASTag toll collection system is based on RFID RFID-based vehicle tracking system as well. 

5. RFID Library Management System 

In Libraries, the use of RFID technology in keeping accurate records of books, journals, and manuscripts and people borrowing these books ensures smooth library operations; all due to RFID RFID-based library management system. 

RFID tags are attached to books and journals and the data is fed into the library management system along with members, who are also issued RFID member cards. Thus, the system allows for accurate records of borrowings and payments (late fees, membership charges, period), etc. 

Various libraries around the world including the Library of Congress in Washington, USA, Seattle Public Libraries, IIT Delhi, and IIT Bombay central libraries, etc. use RFID technology to manage their day-to-day library operations. 

6. RFID Jewellery Management System 

RFID jewelry Management system is the perfect solution designed for keeping accurate data on jewelry stock available in a jewelry store. RFID jewellery tags are attached to each jewelry item and encoded with details such as item no., price, material, etc. This data is stored in the Jewelry Management system and RFID readers installed at gates prevent theft and ensure accurate billing records. An RFID handheld reader can be used to quickly find a certain jewelry item as well as perform a cyclic audit. 

7.RFID Inventory Management System

RFID inventory management system is computer software that facilitates accurate inventory control while keeping track of all the items in the store/inventory. In retail stores, RFID technology is used to keep track of stock and prevent ‘out of stock’ scenarios. RFID tags on pallets and supply boxes ensure accurate tracking of items being transported to stores and help maintain an accurate inventory with timely replenishment of stocks. 

RFID inventory management system is a cost-effective and time-saving way to ensure effective inventory control as staff members can do inventory audit in 1-2 hours, which earlier took 1-2 days.

8. RFID File Tracking Document Management System

RFID file tracking/document management system is designed to keep track of files and documents in offices with the help of RFID labels and RFID readers. The data regarding different files is encoded in respective labels and stored in the software system. The RFID file tracking system allows one to look for files on an urgent basis and ensures the safety of documents by tracking files leaving the exit gates, with the help of RFID readers and antennas. 

UHF RFID labels with LED lights are also available that help you accurately locate any file with absolute accuracy. 

9. RFID Time and Attendance Tracking and Management System 

Time and Attendance Tracking and Management System utilizes RFID technology to keep track of employees/students present at the premises. In offices, RFID-based identity cards are issued and the Time and Attendance management system records the details of employees entering the building and leaving the premises with a time stamp. The system also helps with payroll management based on employee working hours. 

10. RFID Laptop Tracking System 

RFID Laptop Tracking System is used in IT companies, corporate offices, and stores selling laptops to keep track of laptops. The laptop is a valuable asset in offices, containing sensitive data and RFID RFID-based laptop tracking system leverages RFID technology to keep track of laptops leaving the premises. Since laptops contain metals, RFID mount on-metal tags are affixed to laptops.

11. RFID Visitor Management System

The visitor management system has become a necessity in large corporate offices as well as at events. RFID-based visitor management system is used to keep track of all the visitors visiting an office with the help of RFID technology. RFID ID cards are issued to visitors which allow one to keep track of people coming in and leaving offices while also monitoring their movements. 

12. RFID-based Artwork Tracking System-eMuseum

RFID technology provides the perfect solution for art galleries and museums with huge no. of artworks. Each artwork is tagged with an RFID label and details such as the name of the artist, procurement date, painting style, etc. are accurately mentioned and stored in the RFID-based Artwork Tracking System. eMuseum is also a concept where all the artworks are electronically identified, tracked, and managed 24*7. 

To conclude, RFID technology is a crucial part of various business operations be it manufacturing, supply chains, logistics, warehouse, retail, healthcare, parking management, library management, etc. RFID provides accurate identification and tracking of assets and ensures process optimization. The data captured by RFID technology is leveraged for insights and reports leading to decisive actions. 

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  • Created on Nov 01, 2023

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