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Benefits of EAS Tags You Don’t Know About: Electronic Article Surveillance

EAS Tags

“Aside from the added security, EAS brings many more advantages along with it. From cost reduction to improved sales”

EAS tags have been around for decades. From being used in retail outfits to manufacturing plants. These systems are affordable, easy to use, and highly reliable. There are many benefits of having EAS Tags integrated into your operations. So, here are some hidden benefits of EAS Tags that you might not know about.

Unknown Benefits of EAS Tags

Everyone knows that the primary reason for implementing EAS security in the retail sector is to prevent the unauthorized exit of items. However, that is not the only benefit of integrating this technology with your operations.

So, let’s discuss them.

(A). Theft Deterrent

The first benefit of having an EAS system is a psychological one. Several studies suggest that the presence of EAS tags on items decreases the chances of theft. Although it doesn’t completely eliminate it, but it does bring it down significantly.

(B). Tamper Proof

One of the reasons why these tags are so good at deterring theft is their ability to resist tampering. Most of the EAS hard tags are made from durable plastic and contain complex locks. Meaning that they cannot be opened without proper tools. The only way to remove a tag without the detacher is to completely smash and break it into pieces. Which tends to attract a lot of unwanted attention when you’re trying to steal something.

In case someone tries to forcibly remove the tag, it most probably will end up damaging the item.

(C). Allows Open Display of Stock

The items that are stolen the most often from retail outfits are generally the ones that can be easily concealed and resold. This can range from cosmetics, jewelry, electronics, etc. That is why, businesses keep them locked inside safety cabinets. However, that takes away the customer’s ability to inspect and check the feel of the product.

With the help of these tags, businesses can rest assured and keep the products in the open without the risk of them getting stolen. Also, provides a better shopping experience for the customers. 

(D). Optimize Customer Service

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of EAS integration is how it affects the experience of the customers. By allowing the items to be in open cases, the customers are able to actively interact with them.

Due to the increased security, the workers can relax, stop fulfilling the role of security, and actually engage with customers properly. Personal interactions with customers always go a long way when it comes to sales conversions.

Electronic Article Surveillance helps businesses in this regard and vastly improves the shopping experiences of customers, not only improving sales but ensuring repeat customers.

(E). Increases ROI

By now, you’ve probably seen that these systems provide multiple benefits to a business. From cutting down costs, loss from theft to improving productivity. In addition to that, EAS is also very easy to implement and requires little to no maintenance. The security gates work 24x7, and the tags are very durable and do not require any maintenance or even cleaning.

This makes the system very durable and has an exceptionally long operational lifespan. An average EAS system can be anywhere from 10 to 15 years. This reduced the overall cost of constantly having to purchase new tags and repairs. In the long run, these systems provide a very high Return on Investment.

(F). Reduces Out of Stocks

There are few things more embarrassing in the retail business than having a willing customer but finding yourself out of stock. It not only kills that particular sale, but a repeating event like this can result in damage to your business’s goodwill. Theft and shrinkage can become a major reasons for stock shrinkage if one is not careful.

With the help of EAS, you can easily remove both those risks, and ensure the circumstances involving out-of-stock remains minimal.

(G). Ease of Use

Many security systems provide robust security, but they can also become quite complex to implement and operate. For example, in order to integrate RFID into an operation, the user will need to hire a professional to conduct the following:

•   Site Audit

•   Purchase the Correct Instruments

•   Perform Installation

•   Create a Custom Software

•   Train the Staff to Use that Software

All of these tasks can make it a challenge to install proper security systems in your business. However, this is one problem that never occurs with EAS. These systems are incredibly simple and easy to use. They don’t need any auditors or professionals for installation. Even the tags don’t need to be programmed. Making it easier for even small and medium-sized businesses to invest in them.

What is an EAS System?

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) is a technology that tracks & prohibits the movement of items in and out of a facility. These systems consist of three components, namely – Security Tags, Security Antenna/Gate, and Receiver. This technology is generally used in retail stores; however, some manufacturing businesses also use it.

There are three types of EAS tags available in the market-

•   Acousto-Magnetic Tags (AM)

•   Electro-Magnetic Tags (EM)

•   Radio Frequency Identifications (RFID)

They all use slightly different methods to operate, but essentially, they all perform the same function.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to deactivate EAS tags?

Even though it may seem like a difficult process due to all the technical jargon, but deactivating an EAS tag is quite easy. There are three types of tags that come under this technology segment, namely – AM, EM, and RFID. Both AM and EM tags have a ferromagnetic layer/strip inside them that can be magnetized (turned into a permanent magnet) and demagnetized (turn back into a non-magnet).

In the case of AM tags, the user just needs to demagnetize the tag using the RF reader. For EM tags, it’s the opposite; the tags have to be magnetized to deactivate them.

For RFID tags, the reader will send a kill code to the tag, this will change the response code of the tag and make it useless.

Q2. What are the limitations of electronic article surveillance?

The biggest limitation of EAS technology is its inability to track or communicate data. These tags are only capable of alerting the security gate, but cannot store data about an item, thus, cannot identify them.

Q3. What are EAS security tag removers?

As the name suggests these are electronic or mechanical devices that are designed to safely detach EAS tags, without damaging them or the item.

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  • Created on Aug 19, 2023

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