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An Introductory Guide to RFID Proximity Antenna

  • Akansha Sharma
  • Jul 11, 2023
  • RFID
RFID Proximity Antenna

Antennas play an integral part in our daily life, any piece of technology that depends on wireless communication, does it use an antenna. Antennas come in all shapes and sizes, even technologies like RFID use antennas. In this blog, we will discuss a popular antenna used in RF systems. So, here is an introductory guide to RFID proximity antenna.

Let’s not waste any more time and get right to it.

What is RFID Technology?

RFID is a type of AIDC technology that allows users to have accurate and fast asset identification & tracking capabilities. It stands for Radio Frequency Identification, as the name suggests, these systems use radio waves to communicate information.

An RFID system consists of three components that allow it to effectively perform AIDC operations. These are the Tags/Labels that are responsible for carrying the identification data of an item, the Readers that convert the signals from the tags into a readable format, and the Antennas responsible for propagating and intercepting radio signals from the RF inlays.

What is Proximity Antenna? How are they Different?

As the name suggests, proximity antennas are specially designed to have a very short communication range. These antennas generally only read tags that are in the proximity of 10 cm. As such they have a very low Gain rating, this is done to make them more secure and prevent any unauthorized user from intercepting the communication.

Industrial Applications of Proximity Antenna

Due to the limited range that provides an added security and accuracy measure, proximity antennas have vast industrial applications. So, let’s check them all out, one by one.

(A). Access Control

Almost every business relies on access control to provide a measure of security to its facilities and operations. However, like every human-related task, manual access control is also prone to errors. That is why, many businesses are adopting more secure and automated access control systems. One such type of system is the RFID access control system. These systems have a great use for proximity antennas, as they can only be triggered by RF tags/cards in proximity, preventing false activations.

(B). Retail Point-of-Sale

A POS at retail outfits tends to be a busy place due to the large volume of items needed to be billed and bagged. With the help of RF technology, businesses can easily streamline this function. A proximity antenna at the POS allows the billing counter to identify and upload the information of all the items in a customer’s checkout bag on the electronic billing sheet. This allows the billing operations to work rather efficiently and prevents any errors or overcharging.

(C). Programming

RF tags work on two different principles depending on circumstances and distance from the antenna. These are inductive coupling and radiative coupling. To program a tag, we need to use inductive coupling. This method only works when the tag is in the near field of the antenna.

(D). Libraries

Proximity antennas are popular for use in libraries. They allow the users to streamline the inventory management and the book lending system of the libraries. Instead of making manual entries, librarians can use proximity antennas to 

(E). Jewelry

Similar to libraries and retail outfits, jewelry businesses can use proximity antennas for various security & optimization reasons. These include the use of cabinets to track the movement of any jewelry item. At the POS counter to streamline billing, etc.

Benefits of Utilizing Proximity Antennas in Your Operations

Now that you know about the applications of proximity antennas, it’s time to discuss the benefits of employing such methods.

(A). Automation

The biggest benefit of using RF technology is the integration of automation into your operations. Unlike other AIDC, RF systems do not require active human input to function and provide real-time data-capturing capabilities.

(B). Accuracy

The second biggest advantage of RFID technology is its accuracy. Unlike barcodes& manual data entries, RF systems are not prone to errors or mistakes. This provides significantly greater accuracy and reliability on the digital database.

(C). Security

Lastly, proximity antennas provide a significantly better security output than even other RF systems. This is due to the fact that they can only communicate for up to 10 cm. Making it impossible for any 3rd party to intercept the communication using a cloning device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How does an RFID antenna work?

An RFID antenna is connected to a reader and is responsible for broadcasting a receiving signal to and from the tags. An antenna works by vibrating electrons at a particular frequency along its axis. These particles create a radio signal that travels through the medium.

Q2. What frequency is an RFID antenna?

RF antennas can operate on 4 different classes of frequency, namely – Low Frequency (134 KHz), High Frequency (13.56 MHz), Ultra-High Frequency (850 to 960 MHz), and Active Frequency (2.45 GHz).

Q3. Which antenna is used in RFID?

In an RF system, an antenna serves two purposes. The first is to transmit an interrogation signal from the reader, creating a field around it. The second function is to receive radio signals from the tags and send them to the reader for decryption.

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  • Created on Jul 11, 2023

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