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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon Advertising

BLE Beacon Advertising

BLE, acronym for Bluetooth low energy, is the new trending AIDC technology that is now frequently used as an advertising beacon in various settings.

When we use the term advertising, tons of things come to mind, from radio advertisements that can be heard over several Kilo-meters, to television ad with audio and visuals. Then there are newspaper ads, and there are brochures slipped in between the pages of the newspapers advertising products you don’t need, services you don’t require, well, not always. Sometimes Classifieds have some valuable ads as well.

But BLE advertising is quite innovative and different. 

What is a BLE beacon?

In simple terms, a BLE beacon is a Bluetooth low energy based transponder which broadcasts signals to any Bluetooth capable receiver in the vicinity. The reason why this technology is gaining tract is entirely unique. It’s your smart phones.

Your Bluetooth capable smartphones.

With increasing smart phone penetration throughout the populations, across world, and people spending a significant part of their lives looking at screens, it is only brilliant to advertise on smart phones…isn’t it?

Bluetooth beacons utilized this same fact to their advantage.  Various product and service related businesses are using Bluetooth advertising to improve customer experience, changing how customers interact with products and to study their shopping habits. Along with BLE, businesses also employ deep learning tools to understand customer behavior and make changes in advertisings and targeted population, as per needs. Various ad-campaigns are created using BLE for specific audience groups that allow businesses to fine tune product and services as per customer engagement with the advertisement.

Benefits of using BLE advertising:

Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, as an advertising tool, find applications in various businesses like retail, supply chain, logistics, library management, asset tracking, tool tracking, healthcare, social events and concerts etc.

BLE as a broadcasting tool, like radio or television, is customized for various advertising needs, some of which are as follows:

BLE advertising in RETAIL Business:

In retail, there’s always need of innovative ideas to keep customers engaged and keep them shopping frequently. BLE beacons can be used in different sections of the retail store for broadcasting sale offers, discounts, or items put on clearance that is not all.

Retail businesses are employing BLE for customized advertisings as well. BLE beacons are placed near a particular set of apparel or shoes, and whenever customers walk by such items, or show interest by exploring such items, BLE beacon sends visual ads on their smart phones, using the Bluetooth feature. 

In retail settings, product related advertisings provide a greater degree of visibility to products and increase customer experience inside the store as well. Such ad campaigns when done in an effective manner not only create value for the business but also drive growth as well.

BLE advertising at railway stations and airports:

For BLE advertising purposes at railway stations, platforms and airports, BLE beacons are used at various intersections and terminals for broadcasting information related to train and flight arrival and departure directly to the smartphones of the passengers. 

BLE beacons at airport terminals improve flyer experience by broadcasting relevant flight information in timely manner, helping people with access, check-ins, and informing them about various facilities available at the airport.

On railway stations and platforms, passengers can be notified about train arrival, departure and delays as well. Information related to facilities available at railway station can also be broadcasted to the smartphones of the passengers as well.

BLE advertising in healthcare:

BLE beacons can be utilized on hospital premises to inform patients and attendants about various steps in registration, access, and setting up appointments as well. Details about operation process, preparation, and cautions can also be given to patients on their smartphones. This will help patients tremendously and make their hospital visit hassle free as well.

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  • Created on Mar 06, 2023

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